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This work was done by Bob Zuranski.

Notes on Color - DeVinci

Taken from Leonardo DaVinci’s Notebook Volume 1 in the section on the theory of colors iparagraph 278 ‘Pictura’. The section references the effects of sun and shade upon a white surface.The translation reads:

Since white is not a color but the neutral recipient of every color, when it is seen in the open airand high up, all its shadows are bluish; and this is caused, according to the fourth property,which says; the surface of every opaque body assumes the hue of the surrounding objects. Nowthis white body being deprived of the light of the sun by the interposition of some bodybetween the sun and itself, all that portion of it which is exposed to the sun and atmosphereassumes the color of the sun and atmosphere; the side on which the sun does not fall remainsin shadow.

Size; 15” x 22”
Materials; Gouache, acrylic gold/silver, EF66, B3 nib, crow quill, Arches Cover Black Romans at .5” in a rotating earth tone palette-- text written in Italian Translation to English at 1/8” in rotating black-to-white palette.

You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2024, archived on the home page of my website www.reggieezell.com
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