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All five of these works were done in the year long course PRIMITIVE TO MODERN. The “finished work” was is meant for reproduction in every case.



“I Merely Took the Energy…”

This work was done in 2010 by Teresa J. Wilber in Tulsa for the fifth month's class, "Design: Deconstructing the Grid” in the year long course PRIMITIVE TO MODERN.


It is 11 1/2 x 17 1/2. Materials used are watercolor paper, Moon Palace Sumi ink, Micron markers, xacto knife, Styrofoam, gold foil, and paint chips. The Duke Ellington quote is hand-lettered and photocopied for layout, with images of stained glass manipulated in the computer and photocopied for reproduction.



“Be Happy…”

From the year long course,PRIMITIVE TO MODERN: This week's Pic is by

Kim Dixon from Kalamazoo in 2009. It is from the fifth month's class," Design: Deconstructing the Grid". The final stage of work here is a piece meant for reproduction. The letters are on a single piece of paper; metal nibs and ink, mounted to the background artwork. This is a collage, most of the papers are digital images of stained glass manipulated in the computer. It is 11" x 15". 



“The Breath of God”

This work was done in Tulsa in 2010 by Sue Kinsey for the fifth month's class "Design; Deconstructing the Grid” in the year long course PRIMITIVE TO MODERN.


This piece was a stretch for me working in totally different elements than what Im used to. I began with the basic feather shape, enlarged it and began exploding” it a little at a time. It took a bit of trial and error but in the end it turned out to be a good exercise in design and layout, use of color and the hot foil pen!

It is 11 1/2 x 17 1/2. Materials used are watercolor paper, Moon Palace Sumi ink, Micron markers, xacto knife, styrofoam, gold foil, and paint chips.




This Pic of the Week was done by Jane Doherty in 2009 in Chicago. It was done in the fifth month's session “Design: Deconstructing the Grid” in the year long course PRIMITIVE TO MODERN.This is collage using papers digitally generated, metal nibs, and sumi ink: 11" x 15”.




This work was done by Mary Zabrin in Chicago in 2009. Inspired by Adolf Bernd, it was done in the fifth month's class “Design: Deconstructing the Grid”  in the year long course PRIMITIVE TO MODERN.

It is collage utilizing a variety of papers including photos of stained glass manipulated in the computer: about 11" x 15'.


You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2020, archived on the home page of my website www.reggieezell.com




Information on courses and workshops   www.reggieezell.com

You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net 

or 773-202-8321



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