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 For Sister Peter Julian Werner

Peter passed away from us on January 15 this year. A very long time ago she was a student in my year long class. Her initial quiet kindness concealed a keen mind, energy, and creativity that reveal themselves in her presence and artwork, not soon to be forgotten. In 1993, the year that Peter took my year long course “26 Seeds: a Year to Grow“, my father, Labe Ezell, died. I was born in Tennessee. When I was three years old we moved to Chicago; and there I remained when my family moved back when I was 22. I staying up the whole night before my father's funeral writing this tribute to him, which I read at his wake*.

The next month Peter created this beautiful work. It helped make real to me that others cared and shared our love and pain. And may even create beauty from out of it. Like many generations of “gardeners” we keep tending and hoping. Thank you, Peter, for reminding us that our creating matters.

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The greatest work of art in western calligraphy and illumination in the last 500 years is the Saint John’s Bible.   The Saint John's Bible (saintjohnsbible.org)
It is written out in essentially four different lettering styles: incipit,
standard bible script, free form capitals, and versals. We will be analyzing, writing out, and creating finished works inspired by and based on these.


Class dates:

Feb 24, March 23, April 20, May 18,

11 am to 5 pm Central time US & Canada


More info: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/6ixnslsgxxgnu5ij5opf1/h?rlkey=b9oajey32a56rwv7laa2vou98&dl=0


All the classes will be on Zoom. They will be recorded and available to students for at least  two months after the class dates.


Cost: $250  To enroll click on my website link:  www.reggieezell.com  On my home page you will immediately find instructions for signing up.  Hope to spend time with you.  Reggie


Click to see several short (free) Calligraphy videos:


Information on courses and workshops www.reggieezell.com
You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net
or 773-202-8321

Full length calligraphy VIDEOS and PORTFOLIOS by Reggie:

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