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This work is by
Judy Meagher in Memphis.
“Roman Variations”
I did this embossed piece on Nideggan paper,
with an overall paper size of 9 3/4” x 12 1/2” (text size is 7’ x 9
1/2”). The quote is one of my favorites from Walt Whitman. I first did
the layout and lettering using gouache and Speedball B-1 and EF-66 nibs
on Arches hot-press paper, which was then photocopied and enlarged
approximately 20%. I then followed the handembossing technique learned
in class--transferring the enlarged design to 2-ply Bristol, cutting it
out with a #11 X-acto knife, and then finally embossing it onto the
Nideggan using a ball stylus and light board. I particularly love
textural, tone-on-tone designs, and was therefore quite pleased with how
this turned out.
The second piece is 12” X 17” (design area), on
Diploma Parchment. I used Burnt Sienna and Red Ochre gouache, with size
2 & 3 1/2 Mitchell nibs. The edging was done with a C-2 nib along a
metal ruler.
The third piece is 7’ X 10” (design area), on Arches
hot press watercolor
paper. I used a variety of mixed gouache, with a
size 2 Mitchell nib. This
piece was inspired by the work of
calligraphy artist Gemma Black.
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