Week # 29
* * * * * * * * * * I have taught the year-long course "26 Seeds: a Year to Grow" for over 30 years, sometimes in as many as four different cities in a year. Classes in some cities would create a keepsake book to give to me at the end of the year. I wanted to share with you some of the beautiful pages, spirit of generosity, and sense of humor from out of these books. I hope you enjoy them as Pics of the Week. This work is by Faye Maxfield.
I have taught the year-long course "26
Seeds: a Year to Grow" for over 30 years,
sometimes in as many as four
different cities in a year. Classes in some cities would create a keepsake book to give to me at the end of the year. I wanted to share with you some of the beautiful pages, spirit of generosity, and sense of humor from out of these books. I hope you enjoy them as Pics of the Week.. Click on http://www.reggieezell.com/thepick You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2020, archived on the home page of my website www.reggieezell.com ————————————————————————————— NEW: ON LINE COURSES! Live, one on one with Reggie Ezell Information on courses and workshops www.reggieezell.com You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net or 773-202-8321 ____________________________________________________ Click to see several short (free) Calligraphy videos: http://www.youtube.com/reggieezell ____________________________________________________ Full length calligraphy VIDEOS and PORTFOLIOS by Reggie: www.reggieezell.com Follow me on Instagram and Facebook (@reggieezellcalligraphy) https://instagram.com/reggieezellcalligraphy?igshid=148dz3cpok6 https://www.facebook.com/reggieezellcalligraphy/
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