Week # 37
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http://www.reggieezell.com/thepick* * * * * * * * * *
This work is by Jane Hales.
“Decisions Determine Destiny #1"
This piece is 4” x 6” done on Canson Mi-Teintes
(Ivory color) using Bister Inks. I used a
Mitchell 2 nib for the body of the letters which
are ¾” high. I love the effect Tom Perkins Caps
get with the bister ink when you finish the ends
of the letters with an EF66 nib. I found that
the color blends better if you do the EF66 on
each letter as you go. After it has dried, each
letter has been ‘shadowed’ with a B-2 pencil and
a blending stump.
I mounted this piece on a background that is done on Arches Text Wove paper with Bister Ink wash (wet the paper on both sides, add brush strokes of bister color, also add a few of the crystals of color, then watch the water move the color! You can also tip the paper to get the water/color to ‘run’ a little.) Doing a background with the same colors really sets off the simplicity of the letters.
“Decisions Determine Destiny #2”
This piece is 8” x 10” done on Canson Mi-Teintes (Ivory color) using Bister Inks. I used a Mitchell 2 nib for the body of the letters which are ¾” high. I love the effect the Tom Perkins Caps get with the Bister ink when you finish the ends of each letter with an EF66 nib. I found that the color blends better when you do the EF66 on each letter as you go. After it has dried, each letter has been ‘shadowed’ with a B-2 pencil and a blending stump. I have always thought that “Decisions Determine Destiny” is a very powerful statement. It has been going through my head recently and I wanted to express it through my calligraphy. When I learned the “Tom Perkins Caps” in Reggie’s class I knew that this was the perfect hand to use. Thank you, Reggie!
You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2018, archived on the home page of my website www.reggieezell.com ————————————————————————————— NEW: ON LINE COURSES! Live, one on one with Reggie Ezell Information on courses and workshops www.reggieezell.com You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net or 773-202-8321 ____________________________________________________ Click to see several short (free) Calligraphy videos: http://www.youtube.com/reggieezell ____________________________________________________ Full length calligraphy VIDEOS and PORTFOLIOS by Reggie: www.reggieezell.com Follow me on Instagram and Facebook (@reggieezellcalligraphy) https://instagram.com/reggieezellcalligraphy?igshid=148dz3cpok6 https://www.facebook.com/reggieezellcalligraphy/ |