Week # 36
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http://www.reggieezell.com/thepick* * * * * * * * * *
This work is by Valerie Weilmuenster.
“The Layers"
I had a few papers with these large marks on it
just waiting for some calligraphy. The poem is
written using my regular handwriting with walnut
ink and a pointed nib. My intention was to make
a book, starting with a sheet, cut it up and use
it for collage ‘layers’ reflecting the message
of the poem.
I started cutting off the left section and then
decided to write out a second version that I
ended up liking better for the collage. Now,
what to do with this version cut into two
pieces? I found a nice purple paper and
attached the two pieces leaving the space
between. What was once a throw away, became one
of my favorites.
You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2018, archived on the home page of my website www.reggieezell.com ————————————————————————————— NEW: ON LINE COURSES! Live, one on one with Reggie Ezell Information on courses and workshops www.reggieezell.com You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net or 773-202-8321 ____________________________________________________ Click to see several short (free) Calligraphy videos: http://www.youtube.com/reggieezell ____________________________________________________ Full length calligraphy VIDEOS and PORTFOLIOS by Reggie: www.reggieezell.com |