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In Chicago we have had our study group meetings for the last 32 years. It has been a great source of support for friendship and creativity. Of course some months are better attended than others, and the quality and volume of the work varies. But I have always come away feeling better. From time to time, however, I’m saddened by the thought that with all the inspiring work that has passed through those doors, none of it has been chronicled. There will be no evidence that we even existed! 

   I know that over the years other study groups in other cities have sprung up, varying in size and frequency of meeting. In featuring all levels of works from them, the point is to show just how important a study group can be in our development as calligraphers, at so many different levels. And, YES, it shows, indeed, WE WERE HERE! This informal gathering of kindred spirits has nurtured us, given us continuity in ways we may have hoped for, or may never have expected. I would like for it to be a legacy to pass on to current and future calligraphers: a way to inspire others to start their own study groups. 

    So, for the beginning of this year I will be featuring attendees of our Chicago group. We have had an embarrassment of riches over the decades when it comes to talent. This is a sampling. PLEASE send me works from any study group you may have been part of so it may be featured here and inspire others:  contactreggie@comcast.net

Thank you. Reggie

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The following work was done by Mike Kecseg:
"In Process"

Our study group in Chicago has been meeting for over 30 years now. It started as an idea that Valerie Weilmuenster and I had after we both took Reggie's year long class. After getting into the habit of doing work each month and then having it critiqued by Reggie and the class, we missed getting that feedback from a group of fellow calligraphers.

The first meeting took place at my house and we invited a combination of calligraphers that were in our year long class and those that took the same class the following year. If I remember correctly we had about 10 people at that first meeting. Everyone agreed it was a good idea worth pursuing. Since so many of our members worked regular jobs we decided to meet on the third Thursday of every month during the evening. Because we didn't want to make it a purely social get together but rather more of a learning experience we purposely decided not to meet in members homes but rather in a neutral venue that would be convenient to as many people as possible. Over the years we've meet at art centers, bookmaking studios and church basements. The group has changed over the years with many members coming and going but we still get about 10 people each month and some members have been around for most of those 30 years! The meeting is set up as a sort of "calligraphy show and tell". Members are encouraged to bring something to share with the group and we go around the table giving everyone their time in the spotlight. People bring just about everything calligraphic. Each month you may see finished, framed pieces, pieces that are in the process, jobs that are being worked on, things that were done in a workshop or at a conference, a new tool or technique or even just a book or article that someone found interesting. There's something new and different every month so it's always exciting to see what the group will have to share.

The first two pictures are typical of what people bring to the meeting when they’re working on a project. The first one is a monogram project I did that starts with a sketch and then is refined to give my client two different choices. The second is a wedding invitation job that again starts with a sketch and is worked through stages toward the final artwork. It’s always interesting to see how the other people in the study group work through a project from start to finish and learn from their experiences. The third picture are some envelope jobs I’ve done. Every few months I gather some of the more interesting envelope and place card jobs I have done to share with the group. The final picture shows some things I brought to the study group to show them what I did at this year’s IAMPETH conference. It’s great to be able to see what people did at a workshop or conference that you were unable to attend. It’s the second best thing to being there in person!

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You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2018,
archived on the home page of my website www.reggieezell.com
Live, one on one with Reggie Ezell
Information on courses and workshops www.reggieezell.com
You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net  or 773-202-8321
Click to see several short (free) Calligraphy videos:
Full length calligraphy videos and PORTFOLIOS by Reggie: