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In Chicago we have had our study group meetings for the last 32 years. It has been a great source of support for friendship and creativity. Of course some months are better attended than others, and the quality and volume of the work varies. But I have always come away feeling better. From time to time, however, I’m saddened by the thought that with all the inspiring work that has passed through those doors, none of it has been chronicled. There will be no evidence that we even existed! 

   I know that over the years other study groups in other cities have sprung up, varying in size and frequency of meeting. In featuring all levels of works from them, the point is to show just how important a study group can be in our development as calligraphers, at so many different levels. And, YES, it shows, indeed, WE WERE HERE! This informal gathering of kindred spirits has nurtured us, given us continuity in ways we may have hoped for, or may never have expected. I would like for it to be a legacy to pass on to current and future calligraphers: a way to inspire others to start their own study groups. 

    So, for the beginning of this year I will be featuring attendees of our Chicago group. We have had an embarrassment of riches over the decades when it comes to talent. This is a sampling. PLEASE send me works from any study group you may have been part of so it may be featured here and inspire others:  contactreggie@comcast.net

Thank you. Reggie

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The following work was done by Mike Kecseg:
"Calligraphy is..."
This piece was done as part of an exhibit that celebrated the anniversary of my
local guild, the Chicago Calligraphy Collective. If possible, I try and bring to
study group, pieces that I'm in the process of working on so that I can get
feedback from the group. I don't always take their advice but it helps me to see
what I'm working on with fresh eyes. Sometimes the best ideas of how to make
a piece better comes from the other people in my study group. In the case of
this piece we were given the paper to work on and were encouraged to do
something that would celebrate the kinship of calligraphy. As usual I'm working
on things like this at the last minute but I still like to bring the finished piece to
study group and get everyone's opinion of it. This was done with a pointed pen
and Dr. PH Martins bleedproof white on a piece of red Canson Mi-Tientes paper.
After I lettered the quote in white I decided I needed to add something to make
it stand out a bit more so I added a drop shadow in a darker red color.

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You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2018,
archived on the home page of my website www.reggieezell.com
Live, one on one with Reggie Ezell
Information on courses and workshops www.reggieezell.com
You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net  or 773-202-8321
Click to see several short (free) Calligraphy videos:
Full length calligraphy videos and PORTFOLIOS by Reggie: