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Week #48
This work was done by Eugenia Uhl in New Orleans in 2017 for the session “Carolingian and Variations” in 26 Seeds: a Year to Grow. In her own words:
Reggie taught us a very fluid way of writing Carolingian. I really fell in love with the way he taught us to make the letters in one stroke. I was loving the pace, crispness and forms of my letters. So, I decided to make a book with one of my favorite poems, Maggie and Milly and Molly and May by ee cummings, for my homework. I thought the long skinny pages would pair well with the Carolingian letters. I decided to keep the layout simple. So, I practiced writing the lines, that would each take up one page. Of course when I started writing in my book, the lines mysteriously got longer. So, I continued some onto the next page. It really didn’t matter in the end. The simplicity and composition held it all together.

I used arches text wove, some pages were sumi ink with kosher salt and some with sink art and some with just doodles. The black ink is stick ink, the white is Dr. Martin’s bleed proof white and the red is gouache. The outside cover and end pages are paper that I bought. I love the way it turned out and consider it one of my masterpieces. Thank you Reggie for including it in the pic of the week.

Click for2018 Video
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You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2018,
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You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net  or 773-202-8321
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Full length calligraphy videos and PORTFOLIOS by Reggie: