Antiques for Sale
For my final homework
assignment in the 26 Seeds: A Year to Grow class, I
created a manuscript book using italic letters.
Instead of using a long quotation, I wrote a short
story about my experience as an antique dealer in a
group shop located in Concord, Massachusetts.
The first page of my book featured a D.H.
Lawrence quote about “old things,” written in Winsor
& Newton oxide of chromium gouache and using
Reggie’s italic variation from the Calligraphers
Engagement Calendar. On the following pages, I wrote
about my antiques in italic, using Winsor & Newton
ivory black gouache.
Lastly, I used chromium of oxide
gouache on the colophon page to write my name and
date. |
For the left side of the book, I scanned pages from a collection
of antique sermons onto Arches Text Wove. The story itself appears on
the right-hand pages, also on Arches Text Wove.
I illustrated
the book with simple drawings of my antiques. I then stitched a small
piece of Arches Text Wove to create a pocket holding old sampler
verses on a “sermon” page. Several verses written in italic variations
fill that pocket.
The stick binding method
seemed appropriate for my book, because it allowed me to tie an
antique pen to the cover for the “stick!”
The spread of the 2
pages is 8.5"x13". |