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Week #31
This work was done by Peggy Kunkel in Memphis in 2017 for the session “Carolingian and Variations” in 26 Seeds: a Year to Grow. In her own words:
Aunt Jane’s Quilt

This book started with the stick ink. I “fell in love” with the red orange stick ink, then had to find something to do with it. Several years ago I did a large broadside about making quilts. The text came from Aunt Jane of Kentucky by Eliza Calvert Hall. I chose portions of that text to write in this book. The design took a while. Letting my fingers do the searching, I visited Pinterest looking for antique quilts that used orange and came across a 19th c. Mennonite quilt. I did not want to replicate the quilt, but use elements of it.

Deciding to use individual blocks as my design elements, I went searching for ways to create colors similar to the photo. First I tried replicating the blocks using watercolor on a piece of scrap Arches 90# HP. They didn’t look right, so I tried colored pencils, which also failed. Next I came up with the idea to create the blocks using paper.
My calligraphy paper drawer was very limited in colors, so I went to my card making papers which are archival, had many different colors and textures that I could use.   First I tired cutting 1/8” strips, then cutting them again and piecing the blocks together. This was exceedingly difficult and didn’t work. Then I remembered that I had a 1/8” punch and punched many different colors and textures. The punch didn’t create an exact square, but it was consistent. Using a xacto blade and my fingernail I was able to make them work. Finally I used a Pigma pen and a white Prismacolor pencil to create several patterns. The design elements were glued onto right hand page of a double spread.

The finished book measures 11” x 4 13/16. Both covers are French folds for greater strength. I don’t remember what the paper is as I have had it a very long time, but the color was just perfect. The pages are done with Arches 90# HP and were cut individually.

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You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2018,
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You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net  or 773-202-8321
Click to see several short (free) Calligraphy videos:
Full length calligraphy videos and PORTFOLIOS by Reggie: