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Week #28
This work was done by Linda Boswell in Memphis in 2017 for the session “Variations on Romans” in 26 Seeds: a Year to Grow. In her own words:
Psalm 118:24 has always been an uplifting verse for me and a favorite that I had done often during my “Self-Taught” calligraphy days-before meeting Reggie. We had learned about Roman variations and my goal throughout the course had been to try as many techniques as I could to learn as much as possible during the year, knowing that I would continue to learn and practice for years to come. I actually did three different quotes for this assignment, all in different Roman Cap Variations and colors.

I had never worked on Arches Black Cover paper, so I wanted to try it and came up with a design that filled the page. Using Saral Transfer Paper, I traced the letters on the black paper. I used Dr. Ph Martin’s Bleed Proof White with my gouache. Both of my gouache colors were mixed- white was used to lighten the value of the yellow and the orange was made with yellow and white. Two different Roman hands were used for this quote. The orange letters in the verse were from a variation in ”Schrift and Symbol”, using the Speedball B-2 nib along with the Brause EF66 nib.
The word, “Rejoice”, was done in a hand by Rudolf Koch. The yellow letters were drawn and filled in with a brush.

My father was an engineer and he had given me a number of his drafting tools, so I had an old ruling pen that I wanted to try to use for my straight lines. After much practice, I lightly drew a circle in pencil and started the yellow straight lines in the interior of the paper and moved to the outside edges all the way around.

I chose this radial design to provide an image of a new day to emphasize the meaning of the verse.

These Roman letters are made so close together that the words form a focal point for the message that radiates out, like the sunshine of the new day that the Lord has made.
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You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2018,
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You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net  or 773-202-8321
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Full length calligraphy videos and PORTFOLIOS by Reggie: