In doing the same quote by Albert Einstein in three
different Roman lettering styles, my objective was to
make "Logic" appear solid and "Imagination" appear fluid
and colorful.
The first piece that
appears to be fragments is done in sumi with a
half-ruling pen. My objective was to use the entire
quote but to make the quote illegible. In this way the
reader may use their imagination as to the meaning. The
color is colored pencil and there are three gilded
circles. |
In the Neuland rendition, the lettering and lines are
done in sumi ink with the logic part colored in
graphite. The imagination portion is done in colored
pencil to suggest liveliness.
The third piece is done in watercolor and sumi.
Different watercolors were applied to one brush and then
dragged across the page. Sumi was then used to write the
logic portion so that it appears more solid and the
imagination section more free flowing. |