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Week #11
This work was done by Cynthia Stiles in San Antonio in 2016 for the session “Exploring the Book as a New Structure”, in PRIMITIVE TO MODERN. In her own words:
 Making this book as our final project in Reggie's Primitive to Modern was more fun and came out way better than I initially thought it would. Because the goal was to get as much of this complete during our time together this was a highly structured exercise, yet within the structure there was a lot of room for creative expression so everyone's book turned out quite different. We also had tremendous fun as a group sharing our creative experiences.

I wanted to present a visual expression of what the given phrase "the human heart is a theater of longing" was saying to me and was surprised by the depth of meaning that came out in using the format and materials available for this exercise.
The format of this book allowed me an opportunity to conceal as well as reveal the visual imagery and words, pauses the viewer as each image and word are revealed thereby allowing the viewer to participate in the drama and to experience what is being said along with me.

The materials used, whether paper or transparency, treated with a coating or not, with it's colors and lines and the shaping of them allowed me to convey to the viewer curtains, water, moods, and more bringing the viewer inside the theatrical production surrounding the phrase.

Without anymore ado, enjoy the video.

Click Here for Video

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Information on courses and workshops www.reggieezell.com
You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net  or 773-202-8321
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