Course Organizer Information

Course Organizer Information and Costs:
26 Seeds: a Year to Grow

Thank you for your interest in the Year Long Course. Here are some of the particulars for getting it started in your area.

ENROLLMENT Minimum of 15, maximum of 20. After 20 there will be a waiting list. Students are accepted so long as they have had some calligraphic experience. No beginners. I simply want to make sure there is a base line competency level. Students need not worry about having to be the most experienced or skilled. A lot more emphasis is placed on commitment level than skill level. When 10 or more students have sent you a $100 deposit then I make a commitment to your group for the weekends that are still available on the calendar.

COSTS There are 7 basic costs: 1 - My fee for the year is $16,500. 2 - The travel expenses, usually airlines, I make through my travel agent, who for the last 25 years has gotten us great rates. 3- Subway fares to and from the airport $60/year. 4-- Materials fee averages $25 a month/per student for things I bring monthly that they "consume". 5- Classroom rental. 6-- A minor expense that I find prudent to factor in is $100 for communication: long distance phone calls, mailings. etc. 7-Xeroxing students' handouts, approximately 100 copies per student for the year.

Once you add up your total expenses you can divide them by the number of students and get an "average" tuition fee per student. It is usually better to over-estimate a little and give the students a range of cost for tuition for the class. "Average" tuition from city to city has run about $1,200 to $1,600. If there is money left at the end of the year the students get a refund! Each city has handled the collection of the tuition differently as concerns how much they feel they need to have up front. I receive my "salary" monthly, Jan. through Dec., the year of my class. I receive none of it the year before. However, some classroom rentals need to be made well in advance and, depending on the facility, need to be paid for in part or in full.

Travel expenses vary quite a bit during different times of the year and we try to get excellent fares. Because I am a frequent flyer on United Airlines I pay nothing for baggage, which on other airlines, would average $60 to $100 per round trip. Chicago is United's megahub and meets or beats most others schedules or fares. "Bargain" carriers are not dependable and a whole month's workshop can be imperiled trying to save a few dollars.

It is probably wise to have at least half of the tuition paid by the first class session. It should be paid in full by mid-year. There may be a few exceptions on a case by case basis that the course organizer can talk over with me. I would prefer that finances would keep no one from taking the course if we can facilitate their situation.
Please call or write with any comments or questions.

Reggie Ezell Ph. (773) 202-8321
6101 W. Warwick
Chicago,IL. 60634

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