Week 1

"Pic of the Week". All of us in calligraphy are visual. 
I'd like to email you one picture a week of beautiful work from the new Course, PRIMITIVE TO MODERN.
My hope is that in seeing these delightful pieces of art you'll be enticed to take a peek at my website   reggieezell.com
  and enjoy the slide shows. All of us hate getting unsolicited email so if you want me to take you off the list I understand. 
I'm sending everything from a Mac.  Hope you are inspired by the work!

Week 2
Here is Pic of the Week #2.  
I will get better at this as I do it more. Last week some of you emailed back and wanted particulars about Magda's work. She was a student in this year's Chicago Class. The work itself is from month 5, "Design". It is collage utilizing papers, digital images taken of stained glass and manipulated in the computer. It is approximately 11"x15". 
    This week's work is by Corinna Taylor. It is a single piece of cut paper, approximately 8"x12". It is from month 1, "Modernizing a Traditional Calligraphic Hand" (Blackletter Variations). 
     Any comments are welcome. As always, many more of these beautiful works are on my website in the slideshows at    reggieezell.com    along with complete details about the course PRIMITIVE TO MODERN.

Week 3
It's by Maggie Gillikin from the 2008 class in San Antonio in the second month's class of the Course, "Writing on Vellum". It is a manuscript book done entirely on slunk skin vellum, 36 pages. The double page spread is about 4" x 61/2". Watercolors, stick ink, raised and shell gold were some of the materials.
It is a coptic binding.
   If you enjoyed seeing this or any of the other Pic of the Week mailings please check out many more works in the slide shows section
from the PRIMITIVE TO MODERN Course at my website    www.reggieezell.com    I'd be delighted to hear any response.

Week 4
Welcome to "Pic of the Week" 4.
This was done by Marijo Carney from Kalamazoo, 2009, in the fourth month's class of the Course, "Primitive to Modern". It is raised gilding on calfskin vellum stained with brazilwood dye. It's dimensions are about 3-1/2" x 7". We have begun archiving "Pic of the Week" on the main page of my website www.reggieezell.com This will be the last "Pic of the Week" for 2009. When 2010 starts it will restart the numbering, i.e..- Pic of the Week 1, 2010.
If you enjoyed seeing this or any of the other Pic of the Week mailings please check out many more works in the slide shows section
from the PRIMITIVE TO MODERN Course also at my website. Have a great Holiday. I'd be delighted to hear any response. Thank you, Reggie Ezell